PowerLib™ the intelligent library administration system
Why PowerLib - Benefits?
- Effective administration
- Saves you time
- Saves you money
- Excellent control of your library books
- Know who has books on loan
- Know who’s books are overdue
- Lost and late book return letters
- Bulk return of books
- Quick accessioning of books
- Books and borrowers are barcoded
- Automatic loading of books by entering the ISBN number
- Print spine labels and borrower cards
- Powerful search capabilities
- Search by title, author or keyword
- Easy stock take
- Scan barcodes of books
- Print report of number of books
- Automatically write-off lost books
What makes PSD different?
- User-friendly, easy-to-use software
- Excellent support (telephone, e-mail & on-line)
- Since 1997 in the market
- Can address small / large libraries with a few hundred or as many as 200 000 books/ resources
- Can operate on a standalone machine or reliable network
- New versions released annually incorporating new technology and requests from clients
PowerLib Features
Features of PowerLib
- Fully barcode enabled
- Load books fast by entering the ISBN number. PowerCapture automatically load the complete book into PowerLib
- Print barcodes, spine labels and borrower registration cards
- Simple and advanced (Boolean) search capabilities. Results are based on the reading proficiency of the borrower
- Book reservation
- Promote borrowers to the next grade
- Recommend reading material for specific borrowers (Artificial Intelligence)
- Reading pattern analysis (AI)
- Integrated financial payment system
PowerLib Reports
Multi-function library book reports:
- Accession register
- Loan and Overdue reports
- Weekly and monthly Statistics
- Reports of lost/ written-off books
- Automatic generated damaged and overdue letters to parents
- Letters to parents indicating lost, damaged and/or overdue books
- Status reports indicating whether books are lost, available, written off or on-loan